Friday, December 30, 2011

Stomach Knotting Excitement

In 14 hours I will run a 5K that is monumental in my life's journey.

Ok wow that statement is big.....could it really be true????

To me.....yes it is very much true...and in multiple ways. New Years is a time when we all get reflective and resolute. Some of us ponder all the things in our lives that we don't so much like....and make resolutions to make them better. The one I made last year wasn't that kind of resolution. It was one that was designed to push me to be more than I was at the moment I made it. I had found running in 2010.....and used it as a way to help drop weight and feel more healthy. I started training in August for the Ragnar Relay in January of 2011. In the process of taking on that much running.....running helped me find myself. So last New Year's Eve I made a resolution that would help me continue to challenge myself all year. I resolved that I was going to run 100 miles "competitively" in 2011.

How many of us keep those resolutions though? Every January I am cursing all the people who resolved to lose weight and invade my gym and keep me from my treadmill. And by mid-February they have all given up and I have my gym back. And as far as resolutions are concerned....I am usually one of those people. (Although the gym wasn't ever one of my resolutions) :) But this year was different.

Tomorrow morning I will lace up my running shoes and hit the pavement in Ashburn, VA at a race called Ringing in Hope (kind of appropriate). And when I cross that finish line, I will have completed just over 101 miles in 2011. I feel so much excitement over that. This will be the first New Year's resolution I have EVER kept! I pushed myself to run distances I never used to imagine. I remember just contemplating a 5K and thinking how far it felt. Now when I am training, I run a 5K as a MINIMUM distance. This race will not only mark the challenge of the last year of my life, but will celebrate me as a runner. A word I would never have imagined using when describing myself. And more importantly, it will celebrate my accomplishment. One that is representative of all I have overcome in my life since I found running just by simply pushing myself to be more than I am in the moment. Just like I do every time I lace up my shoes.

Thank you for your continued interest in my journey. I am so happy to share it with all of you.

XOXO - Jenn

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Let the Countdown Begin

No not until Christmas Day....although if you ask my 10 year old....there are only 4 days left :) I am talking about the countdown to the Ragnar Relay from Miami to Key West with 12 crazy Team MDAA members!! Only 15 days remain until I am in a van for 2 days with 5 of my craziest runner friends!

The next part of my post has mixed emotions for me. I am excited to tell you about the change in my runner position and the new routes I will get to see as I run this year. But the reason for me changing positions is a sad one. Unfortunately, due to an injury, one of our veteran Mia-KW runners had to drop out this year :( Jeff's presence will definitely be missed this year in Van 1. As a result of his need to drop out, I asked to change to his runner position. Jeff had been runner #2 with a very cool slate of routes for this year. While the total mileage is actually less than I was supposed to run, it is still 18 miles (2 more than I ran last year).

I am beyond excited for these new routes. The first leg of the race that I will be responsible for is 4.4 miles through the city of Miami. Admittedly, there isn't really much that excites me about this leg. Its on running trails, near a city, and I will likely be running around 7 AM. But it will be a good way to start the race :) The second leg is an entirely different animal. And yes, I intended that to be a pun. Why?? Because my second leg of the race will be 4.7 miles total, of which 3.5 will be on the Everglades Trail. Get the pun now? Oh yes...that's right....gators! Jeff and another teammate (Mike) ran this section last year and we did pull over and get out of the van to try to spy gators....and oh yes we did! I am entirely NOT worried about gators actually being near me when I run.....its just a VERY cool concept! Don't ya think? And finally my last leg of the race is a 9.1 mile stint across the famous 7 mile bridge!!!!

I can't believe I get to run the distance of this bridge. So cool. Just check it out! (photo courtesy of Daniel Schwen)

Needless to say, I am excited about the race. I am still coming up short on my any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. To donate, visit this page :) Thanks for your continued interest and encouragement!

XOXO - Jenn

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Color Me Disappointed

Sorry for the quiet....but I was wallowing in my disappointment for a few days. I was SOOOO excited on Friday when I was preparing for crossing the finish line of the 5K I found as well as completing my first New Year's Resolution ever. But didn't happen :( I got up early enough....ate all my race morning food....was dressed for the weather....and even had a friend's borrowed GPS so I would be able to find the race without any confusion. Set myself up for success! Then I got to Arlington for the race. And that's where my streak of good luck ended. The tiny parking lot did not have room to accomodate all the runners. Ok no problem, I thought to myself, still plenty of time to find parking. Uh By the time I found parking and then sprinted (or rather let's call it a warm up) to the start line/packet pickup....the race had already started. That's not a deal breaker though. When you are racing, you get a timing chip, so you start when you start and finish when you finish and they let you know your time. I dashed to the registration table (there was no early packet pickup for this event, you just got your stuff on race morning) and asked for my number and swag bag. (I figured its only 3 miles, I will just run with the bag). This is where the final thread of disappointment took root. The woman at the registration table told me that my registration wasn't good for racing, just casually running the course. I looked at her like was some kind of mythological creature with multiple heads. I must have looked like a puppy trying to understand a high pitched sound because I am sure I tilted my head in just that way dogs do. She repeated. I am unsure of how the rest of the conversation went because I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes and I just wanted to finish speaking with her without letting her see them. I got my "swag bag" complete with T-shirt and returned to my car to drive home.

You might be asking yourself why I didn't just run? Well the point of this race was to get my last 100 miles of competitive running. If they weren't giving me a race number or an offical time.....its not's a training run. I could have just gone and done the training run. Might have made me feel better. But I couldn't. It stung too much. I went to my car, called my dad, and sobbed :( My supportive daddy told me that whatever I needed to do to get my 100 miles in, he and my mom would help in whatever way they could. So....I went home....found another race....and registered. See you on Dec 31st in Ashburn. I will ring in the New Year celebrating my accomplishment from the old year.

Special thanks to my dad. He and my mom are amazing! I couldn't not ask for better parents, friends or supporters. I know I am a lucky girl!!

XOXO - Jenn

Friday, December 9, 2011

First Time Resolution-Keeper

In February I publicly declared my resolution for 2011 in this post. I had resolved to run 100 miles "competitively". After the Hot Chocolate 15K I ran last Saturday, I am now 1.96 miles from that goal. I had planned to run a 5K on New Year's Eve, thinking it would be a nice way to bookend the year (my first race was the Ragnar last year starting on the 6th of Jan) and complete my goal at the same time. But a good friend pointed out to me that December weather is unpredictable. How upset would I be if I got to within 2 miles of my goal and wasn't able to complete it due to inclement weather. That comment definitely struck a cord with me. So early in the week I scoured the internet resources I use for finding races and found myself a 5K that happens THIS Saturday. I am now less than 24 hours from keeping my first New Year's Resolution EVER! I am thrilled!!! Can't wait to share with you how the race goes....I am aiming for a personal best (PB) tomorrow as a way to ever further celebrate my accomplishment. See you on the other side of my resolution completion!! :)


Monday, December 5, 2011

The Run for Chocolate

There are two different ways I could write this entry about the "Hot Chocolate" race I ran this past Saturday. I could spend the post complaining about the race organization and the "epic fail" that the event has been described as by runners and media sources in DC. Or I could tell you about my personal experience and how I had an incredible race and a great time with my friends. Knowing me the way you probably do by know I will choose the more positive one :)

So....I got up at the crack on dawn on Saturday morning....after going to bed later than I planned and not sleeping all together too well. I donned my running gear (complete with new running leggings under my shorts to keep warm) and made myself my normal race morning breakfast. For those of you that don't know....that's a cup of coffee, peanut butter bagel thin and a banana. I had laid out all my race day materials the night before but went through my mental checklist anyway and made sure I had everything I needed. I even had enough time to add one more "new" song to my running playlist on my ipod before I set out to meet up with my friends.

By 6:30 AM I was in Julia's car along with Sue and we were on our way to the National Harbor to arrive early enough for Sue to do the 5K (Julia and I were running the 15K which had a later start time). The 7 miles we had to travel from our meet up spot took WAY longer than it should have. All this thanks to accidents, road closures, and heavy traffic all funneling into the National Harbor....which was so not able to handle the 20,000 runners that were allowed to register for the race. We got there so close to the 5K start that Sue actually had to jump out of the car before we parked. Turns out they delayed the start so long that she didn't really have to....but we didn't know that at the time.

It was COLD Saturday morning (36 degrees when we got to the start line) but I didn't feel cold after our brisk nearly 2 mile walk to the start line. And that would have been perfect....except things went terribly terribly wrong on race morning for the organizers....and the 15K started over an HOUR late! The time went by quickly though because Julia and I chatted with one another and with other runners but in the muscles stiffened up and when the race finally shins and calves really hurt. So we waited quite a while....but finally we got to run. The first 4 miles went by in a breeze...well except for the tightness in my calves. But with Julia by my side....I just kept chugging along. As we got nearer to the 5 mile mark though....the sense of impending doom that was the long uphill climb started to settle in. I walked a lot of that hill. :) And when I got nearly to the top (at the 5 mile mark) I checked the running app on my phone for our pace. We were near 10:30 and there was a very sweet text message I had received since the start wishing me luck. That made me smile and helped me push on. We came around another half mile and returned to the starting line. But at this point we were just more than half way done. The half mile downhill went by SO quickly. We just let out legs go and flew! I was weaving in and out of other runners....eager to take advantage of the momentum. And at the bottom of that the 6 mile mark...I started to run out of gas. Julia reminded me about the Clif Energy Shot I had in my pocket. We had both taken one at the 5K mark and it was about time for another. I quickly squirted it into my mouth and by mile 7 I knew it had hit me. After the race Julia said she could tell when it had hit me too....that I just took off :) We kept on...winding up and down more hills and along the harbor by the water. Nearing the 8 mile mark we passed a volunteer who cheered us on like a former drill sargeant might. It was encouraging. And Julia pushed me to push hard til we crossed the 8 mile. In that moment I might have uttered "I hate you" to her under my breath. LOL Now we were in the final push. Whenever I get inside the 2 mile mark I always have these moments in my head where I start the logic. Its just 2 miles....I do that in my sleep. Here we were with only 1 1/4 left and the last 1/2 mile all uphill.

While I loved that hill between 5 and 6 when we got to fly all downhill....I knew it would be tough on the way back. I was WAY too in my head about that hill....I was dreading it too much. And when we flew through the tunnel and around the corner to where we could see the finish line. I knew it was time to hit that hill. I walked some of it. But Julia was there....cheering me on that we were almost there. We crossed the 9 mile threshold and there was the finish line ahead. They were calling out runners names...and I didn't hear mine but it didn't matter....I couldn't wait to cross and be done. And when I looked down at that phone app after we got our water. I nearly jumped for joy (okay I actually did later).....not only had we beaten the 1 hour 45 min time I wanted to finish in....I had set a personal best pace time for any race greater than 5K!!!

I didn't get any chocolate the day I ran for chocolate....but I got something better. A personal best pace time. Another great run with a great new friend. And our own personal after party with Julia and Sue. Both of these ladies are on my Ragnar team that will run 200 miles in January. I cannot wait!!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving 10th Birthday 10K

What a great way to start Thanksgiving! I got up this morning and my sweet 4 year old and I sang "Happy Birthday" to his older wonderful 10 year old!!! I had decorated the dining room and put out his presents. So in the very early morning hours (before 7AM on a non school day is very early for us) I got to watch that sweet boy open his birthday presents and be so happy with a celebration meant just for him. :) I love birthdays for that reason....a day where the celebration is dedicated to you. After our breakfast....I dropped the boys with their dad and headed out to Ashburn for the 10K race. (As a oldest thought it was great that I was running a 10K on his 10th birthday....I burst that bubble just a little when he got too excited and asked me to place 10th to make it even cooler....I had to explain to him that mama is NOT that fast...LOL).

So....I was already a little annoyed with the organizers of this race because in my preparations for the race I had checked out the water stops along the course and found only ONE! I have run many a race now.....and only one water stop in a 10K is not quite the norm. If you read yesterday you saw my rant about this (if you didn't, check it out here). Now that sets you up to know that I was already irritated. That annoyance grew even more when I arrived more than half an hour before race to find that the lots I was told would be available for parking had no spots! I am not so new to this to think that this wouldn't happen so I had scoped out a few alternatives the night before. I had to fall back on that plan. Admittedly it wasn't a great "Plan B"....the shopping center adjacent to the running course has a grocery store. Why is that bad you ask? is Thanksgiving you know how many people hit the grocery store that morning for forgotten items?!?!?! I do....just ask me :) But the good news about this same shopping center is that it has a Starbucks! No no no I was not going to stop for a latte before my race. But I was going to....and did....stalk the coffee lovers leaving the shop until I got a parking space! That did take a considerable amount of time. I got out of the car with 7 minutes until race start time and not a good idea of how far I really was from the starting line. So I got out.....grabbed my needed race gear....and warmed up for the race by....well....running to the start line!

Fortunately the disorganized race organizers held true to my existing ideas about them....the start was delayed. While normally I would have been further irritated...this actually worked out for me :) Once the race started...I was happy to be off and running again. My last training run had felt great. I had found myself a good energy gel to consume partway through the race. And after it was over, I got to go home to see my family and stuff my self (guilt free) with Thanksgiving trimmings! The course was actually very nice. Mostly flat with a few small hills and all road with no mixture of road and trails. I used my new running app for the first time in a race situation. It really helped push me at the end when there wasn't much left of the race. Although it did help to further my irritation with the race organizers (poor folks can NOT catch a break with me)

because the course was closer to 6.5 miles than 6.2. Yeah I can handle the extra .3 miles but my time is supposed to be based on 6.2 and I am crazy about getting my time right :) Like several other races I have done, I had come alone and run alone. So I didn't stick around for the post race festivities. I took a quick post-race self portrait and then headed home to get cleaned up for the Thanksgiving/Birthday celebrations.

Happy Thanksgiving All! I am so grateful to be able to stay healthy enough to complete all these races and for all that running has brought into my life. I am also grateful for all the family and friends that support me. If you are reading this, you are among those people. Have a great Thanksgiving.

XOXO - Jenn

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Am I allowed to have a race pet peeve?

I decided to map the directions to packet pick up for tomorrow's race while at work today, and thought that I should go ahead and review the instructions as well. I was pleased at the details presented in the packet....its a local race and those don't always yield the best instructions to runners. But this group impressed me with their level of detail. And if you know me...I am a detail girl so its kind of a big deal if your organization impresses me :) The race is a 10K..because a 5K turkey trot wasn't enough of a challenge right? ;) For you non-running, non-metric folks that is a total of 6.2 miles. I have run other 10K well as longer and shorter distances. And I have to say that I am bothered by the lack of course support for this race. I got to the part of the packet where they discuss prohibitions. No strollers. OK. No dogs. OK. No headphones. Ummmm. I usually ignore this when I see it show up in a race packet, because I run with music. I have to. I don't always use the music, but there are times when I need it. And I will not go without. I am usually respectful of this request though and only wear one earbud so that I can still hear the course officials....or remove one when I come upon a course official. Their reasoning, of course, was just that....course officials cannot be heard well with headphones on. Ok. So they intend to have lots of course officials that have important info to tell me. Yeah right. Now on to the pet peeve. The packet goes on to further state that they will have course officials at every mile marker calling out times (that's the folks with stopwatches who let you know how long it is taking you to run the race). Great. But there is only ONE water stop along the whole course.....just before the halfway mile 3. Seriously?!?!?! You are going to have all these people with stopwatches telling me my time at every mile....but no one to hand me a dixie cup of aqua until mile 3??? Maybe I am spoiled. I am used to courses having water about every 1.5-2 miles. Having no water support until halfway and then not again until the end just seems absurd. I will, of course, now carry my own water. But it seems that if you are going to put that level of detail into your race could have thought about the runner support component. Okay now that I have's my question: I have only been a self declared "real runner" for about a year and a I have a right to be picky? Has my quest for 100 competitive miles this year made me a race snob? And if I am going to be a snob, don't I have the right to know these kinds of details up front BEFORE I give you my hard earned cash to come and run in your race? Thoughts I will likely ponder during the race tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Trail Run Preview

After gathering some inspiration from not really running like I should the last few weeks and reading some great blogs online by inspiring runners, I decided that Sunday was the day I was getting my intensity back. So I laced up my running shoes (yeah the ones I use to run outdoors that I have not worn since mid-September) and headed out to Burke Lake Park. This is the same course I will run on Saturday for the "Drumstick Dash 8K" It was an absolutely beautiful day for a run! The leaves are still beautiful shades of orange and red, the trail is gorgeous and the view of the lake just so calming, and the 4 1/4 mile loop around the lake had the perfect amount of people. What does that mean you ask?? Well...perfect to me means that it isn't crowded so I can run at whatever pace I want and not have to try and move around people or have them need to do the same to me. It also means that there were enough people around that I felt accountable to these strangers somehow to keep running and not take too many walk breaks :) So I ran the whole loop.....then added on a bit so that I could complete a full 5 mile run. I tried a few new things during this training run that are worth mentioning.
  • My new phone has a running app that uses the GPS to track the distance. SO cool!!! Yeah I am late to that party but I just got the new phone....what can I say. I didn't know that it was talking to me most of the run until part way through when I checked it to see my pace. I wonder how many of those strangers heard it talking :)
  • During the Zooma race back in June I had tried a gel that made me sick. I swore off the gels at that point, being too scared to have those lingering effects again. But I know that the energy they give me through a longer run are good....and they are easy to carry. So, the last time I was at the running store, I grabbed a few. It was great! No stomach issues AND it did give me that little extra perk I needed. I used it half way through the run and there were times in the 2nd half when I was running close to a 7 min mile! I didn't think I could actually run that fast for a sustained period!!! That is a repeat for sure. Probably during both of my races this coming long weekend.
I took Monday night off...even though I should have squeezed in another run. My shins are tender....and I am remembering not to push too hard or be too intense. The Ragnar is just more than 6 weeks away. I have got to be healthy for that...especially since many of my partners in crime are not :( More on that in another post.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Always Apologizing :)

I always seem to be apologizing for NOT keeping up with my blog....sigh....the trials of being a single mom....they sure catch up with you and before you know it. Wham! No time to update :( I am currently on a roll with making here's one more. Tonight/tomorrow I will update my blog for all the races I have done since the "preview" to the half I wrote back in June. Then I am committing to updating WAY more LEAST once per week. And I am adding back in my "Log Your Run" widget to run along the bottom and track my training runs for you. My committment to you....will be my committment to preparation for a FANTASTIC Ragnar. And who knows where from there. My friend Aaron keeps telling me a marathon is in my future....hmmmm....maybe let's just get through this year without injury and with success and then I can START thinking marathon type thoughts :) goes!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Rock and Roll 1/2 - Philly Style

Two weeks ago I ran the Rock and Roll half marathon in Virginia Beach as a relay with a good friend. But today....I was on my own. I traveled to Philadelphia the day before the race and took in some sites, picked up my packet, and used the race as a chance to CARB-LOAD with some AMAZING crab ravioli!!! Then it was off to bed to prepare for my 2nd ever half marathon.

My hotel was only a mile from the start line (and was actually smack in the middle of the course), so I had really set myself up nicely to "sleep in" before the race. I will definitely take that! I had strategically purchased some "race morning breakfast" foods to have in the room so I didn't have to try and buy myself some breakfast anywhere....I knew that my hotel being on the course would mean lines at any eatery that was open at that hour...and I couldn't risk being late. So I scarfed down my breakfast and took some coffee to the start with me. The one mile walk was a nice warmup for the race....I got going at a brisk pace and got to the start line before I even knew it! A nice addition to this race was the fact that a friend of mine from college was running it as well. We didn't plan to run it together but we did get to meet up at the start line and chat while we waited for the waves of runners that took off before us. Before long, it was time for our wave to take off on the 13.1 mile journey. I spent the first mile or so running alongside my good friend and her good friend. But they weren't planning to run this race for I pulled ahead to focus on my race.

There is something to definitely be said for this course.

It started in downtown Philly and nearly the first five miles took place on roads throughout the city. We ran past Independence Hall, Benjamin Franklin's gravesite, the Franklin Museum, and Reading Terminal Market. I am including a shot of me as I head down Arch Street (just near the Reading Terminal Market). Then as passed Eakins Oval around 5 miles we started to head out away from the city on more highway-like roads along the Schuykill River. How incredibly beautiful! I just ran...listening to my music...enjoying the September sunshine and the beautiful view of the river. Just before 9 miles, we headed across the Falls Bridge (a really neat steel truss bridge) and then ran back down the river, heading back toward the city. I felt really great....until about 10 miles. Then...all the energy I had...all the enthusiasm and excitement.....just left me. With a 5K still left to run....I had nothing left in the tank! Not really sure how this happened....or how to prevent it...but I just hit the wall! I struggled through those last 3 miles....knowing that at the end I could shower, rest, eat, and get ready for the Phillies game I have tickets to tonight. Sigh. I had such high hopes that this post was going to be epic. A tale of how amazing my pace was, how great I felt, how I set a crazy PR. But no. But I am a believer in silver linings, so here goes: I finished! I finished ever so slightly faster than my last half (ok so technically I set a new PR). AND I can't wait to run another one! But first let's get through Ragnar...just 3 1/2 months away now!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Relay at the Beach

Just two weeks ago I ran the Hartwood 10 miler with a new friend. Yesterday I ran the Rock and Roll 1/2 Marathon with an old friend. This race we ran a little differently than Julia and I ran the 10 miler. This time we tackled the half marathon not side by side but together as a team. We registered and completed the 1/2 marathon as a relay team. My good friend Sue and I are big fans of the CBS Show "The Big Bang Theory" and decided that our relay team would be called the Bazinga Babes. We even made our own t-shirts for the race :)
Just like all other races, we had to be at the start line well ahead of the race, but unlike other races, we had to get there even earlier because Sue had to catch a shuttle bus to the relay exchange point. One of the very cool things about this race was our relay baton....a drumstick! But after getting to the satellite parking to catch our first bus to the start line, we realized that very cool baton was still on the counter at Sue's parents house! Ahhhh! We had to drive back and retreive it and then return to the satellite shuttle area. Guess it wouldn't be a race for me if there wasn't a little drama included :) Fortunately we were able to get to the start line and shuttle to the exchange point in enough time! But now Sue and I were separated by nearly 8 we texted one another until I was able to actually start the race. Gotta love technology! Once we got started I was feeling really good. Not at all like the 10 miler two weeks ago. I was feeling strong and making good time. This being a Rock and Roll series race, the energy was extremely high along the course with local bands every mile or so and local cheerleading squads literally cheering us on. In addition to that, the town of Virginia Beach just really turned out for the race. I felt uplifted and moved by all the energy! Coming in to the mile and a half before the relay exchange we had gotten out on a part of the course that was further from the city and there were no crowds or bands. Just runners and the road. I had turned my ipod on a few miles back but wanted to see how the energy changed now. Removing my earbuds and listening to the rhythm of the race was extremely cool. At that point, no one was talking...just running. It was strange, eerie, and relaxing all at the same time. But I needed to focus, so back went the earbuds!
Focus I did, coming strong into the exchange and handing off to Sue to finish off the remaining 5 miles of the race for our team. There was a few moments in that last mile and a half where I thought about staying on the course and finishing the entire race side by side with her. But knowing that Philly is looming just two weeks on the horizon, I decided to let her finish strong on her own and catch the bus to the finish line. And just over an hour later....we were reunited! And finishers! With cute medals to go with :) Next up.....a full 13.1 all on my own in Philly! Looking forward to trying to beat my last time from the Zooma in June.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I'm late...I'm late...I'm late!

Today's race proved to be VERY typical of an extremely bad habit of mine.....I was LATE! I spent the evening before the race being very low key....watching a movie at home before turning in early. I set my alarm and had my race clothes and pre-race breakfast all set and ready to go. I was awoken 15 minutes
after I had planned to LEAVE my apartment by a text from my running partner, wondering why she had not yet heard from me. I was COMPLETELY thrown into a panic! At least all that night before planning would pay got me out the door in 7 minutes! That still didn't put me in a very good place though. I had to travel from Fairfax to Hartwood (a trip Google maps says takes about 1 hour and 8 minutes) with only 1 hour and 8 minutes until the race start time! I did not type either of those numbers incorrectly! You are reading it right....I had the EXACT amount of time to get to the start line as minutes left until the race started! I am certainly not proud of the maneuvering I did to get to the start line on time....and I know my parents read this let me just say "Sorry Mom and Dad"....yes I know better....but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. There was NO margin of time allowing me to run into any I am grateful it was a Sunday morning in early August...and there wasn't any. I sent my running partner a final text that I was on my way...and that I would be there to run with her....even if it meant we had to start a little after the gun went off.

There is a funny thing you should know about my running partner, Julia. Until I got to the start line (25 sec before the gun), she and I had NEVER met. We "met" virtually when

Julia became a part of the Ragnar team I was on last year for the coming January. All of the teammates friended one another on FB and when Julia and I realized we lived so close to one another, we discussed running together. I was looking for a race to help me meet my 100 miles of racing miles for the year and this one was in her "backyard". So she agreed to run with me. We texted and facedbooked a lot heading into the event but this would be the first time I would ever meet her face to face. You can imagine the impression I was making on this almost perfect stranger. I had talked her into running a 10 mile race and then (from her perspective) might not even make it! It worked out well for me that she had picked up my packet and race number the day before. All I had to concentrate on was getting to the start. She could hand me my number and we could take off. So while I "raced" to get to the start....she waited for me :)

I arrived at the start line in record time and dashed to the start. Julia's husband handed me my race number and I met up with my partner at the back of the pack. I hurriedly put on my hat and number and got my ipod ready for the run. The run itself was rough. Ten miles of lots of hills (and if I have never said it before....I HATE hills). But for the next two hours Julia and I ran and chatted. I highly recommend this method of getting to know one another if you are a runner. It was one of the most unique friendship experiences I have ever had and I am happy to have finished my first 10 mile race

with a friend at the end :) As we neared completed the very large circle we ran and came toward the finish, we were a little surprised by the 3/4 mile trail portion of the race. After 9 miles of hills and heat, we headed into the woods. It was cooler temperature-wise to be under all the trees but trying to run that last bit while trying NOT to trip over tree roots was a whole other experience I was not ready for. Still Julia and I pulled through....encouraging each other through the end. Finally, we crossed the finish line.....two hour and 1 minute after we had started. A slower time than I think either of us really wnated to finish with...but the point is we finished! And then we celebrated by filling our commemorative cups with the free serving of beer and toasting our accomplishment and new friendship!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Crazy for Running?!

The title of this post really does say it all. Today was the Tim Harmon 5K. I signed up for it because its a nice short race snuggled into my schedule of crazy longer distances this summer/early fall. It was also super convenient because it is right near my house (less than a mile from my apartment to the start line). I figured this would be a good opportunity to push myself and see if I could reduce my pace. But what I did not plan for was strep throat! On Tuesday I got sent home from work early because I was not well. I went right to the urgent care facility because I knew something was really wrong. Turns out....strep throat. I went home and slept for the next 18 hours or so. I didn't go back to work until Thursday and even then I wasn't really operating at 100%. When I got up this morning, I knew that running this race wasn't really in my best interest. I haven't really recovered from being sick....and the temp at race time was already in the low 70s. So...warmer weather and me recovering from a 101+ fever earlier in the week wasn't exactly a recipe for success. But I am stubborn. And I paid for the race. So I ran it!

The first sign that this was a bad idea was the fact that I DROVE to the start line! Its a mile from my house! Why would I drive? Because I wanted to save my strength for the actual running part....and because I worried that if I only had the energy to finish then the walk home would be torture :) Next the start line while I waited for the race to start, I just kept thinking, "can we get this over with already, I want to go back to bed." Yeah not my smartest move :) The race itself was a nice little course around my neighborhood. When we ran right past my apartment building I seriously thought about DNFing and crawling back in bed. BUT I am stubborn. So, I finished the probably one of my WORST 5K times. But I finished. And after the week I had I will take it. So.....on to bed now to finish recovering. My next race is about 6 weeks from now....a 10 miler in Hartwood, Va. Plenty of time to recover and train :) Thanks as always for your support and interest in my running.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

1/2 Marathon Day Arrives

My very FIRST half marathon! To say I was nervous.....well that would be an understatement. I had trained...but not like I really should have. But it didn't matter. I was going to do it anyway. The race was in Annapolis, MD....just a short half hour drive from my parent's house. And since it was my weekend with my boys, we headed to Mom and Dad's on Saturday. I spent the night in my childhood home. Kind of a cool place to wake up before a major life event like this. I got up super early and almost immmediately began texting with my friend Aaron who was planning to run the race with me that day. Now Aaron and I had not really discussed how this would go. He is a a repeat marathoner....he's ran somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 marathons! I figured we would start together and at some point.....he would be far out of my sight...and we would meet up at the finish line. But my good friend had another plan. Like his best friend had done for him during his first marathon.....he ran with my side the entire time....talked me through the race....distracted me when I needed distracting....and let me cross the finish line a step or two ahead of him. What an amazing thing to do for a friend. I guess its kind of a tradition among some runners. Someone coaches you through a major race....and some day later you return the favor. Someday I will do that for someone else....but that won't be anytime soon :) For now...let me recap the race.

I caught up with Aaron at the start line, we snapped our obligatory pre-race photo and chatted briefly while we waited to start. I let him know that I was hoping to finish the race in under 2 hours and 45 minutes.

I didn't really let on how little I had trained for this race or how nervous I was because I really had no business being out on this course. Not very long in to the race I knew I was in trouble. Every mile or so I got caught up in a coughing fit. I am not sure what brought on the coughing fits...although admitedly these are not completely new....have been happening a bit lately :( [Side Note here: I promised Aaron that I would visit my dr to find out the cause and a solution because that much coughing is so not normal :)] Other than the coughing, and the fact that I struggled pretty much the last 12 miles of the race because I hadn't trained properly, it was a great day!

The course was really nice. It started at the Navy Marine Corp Memorial Stadium, made our way through part of Annapolis (one really beautful downhill with a view of the harbor) and then out over the Naval Academy bridge. Ugh that bridge. It is huge! And as we crested the bridge you would have thought I would have been thrilled...except in my head I was plagued by the thought of having to cross it yet again toward the end of the race! We continued out away from Annapolis proper and got to do a nice little out and back on the B & A trail. Around the 9 mile mark, we asked a policeman who was helping out to snap a mid race photo for us.

I like that the picture doesn't reveal just how much I was dying! As we headed back toward Annapolis (and that dreaded bridge), Aaron and I reflected on another pair of runners who had been just in front of or just behind us the whole race. One of the two was clearly running her first half as well and the other was her coach. Just liked Aaron and I. There wasn't much left in my tank....but that inner part of me that is super competitive was NOT going to let this girl finish ahead of me. As we neared the bridge that competitive part took over. It was definitely high of the list of things that helped me finisht the race! The middle of the bridge on the way back was about the 10 1/2 mile mark. Some really great spectators were on hand with funny signs. I just had to get a shot of Aaron with them! This is why I carry a smart phone on races with me!!! Now we were in to the last 5K. I was really running on empty....but Aaron just kept telling me I could do it. Near mile 12, my super tired and worn out sarcastic side showed up. It might also have been brought on by the fact that he started running BACKWARDS while coaching me! Then we saw it....the stadium again....and the finish line! Aaron kept pushing me....telling me I could do it....and when I got near the finish line and saw my boys and my folks waiting for me just on the other side....I literally began to tear up. When I crossed the finish I saw my sweet little boy with his Nintendo DSI....he had brought it along so he could take a finish line picture!
I am sure that if I had been more hydrated I would have been sobbing when I saw that.

As soon as I had cleared the way of other runners, my boys rushed up to hug me. I am not completely sure they really understood what I had done. But they were proud anyway...and so were my parents :) It wasn't pretty at all....but I finished in 2:43:46. So....definely met my goal....but next time around....I am going to set the bar a little higher :) And maybe actually train :) Special thanks to my good friend Aaron....he really made a huge difference for me in this race. I may have given up a lot more than I did if he hadn't been there to encourage me. Now for the reward....the Baltimore O's game with my son. Yes I think I deserve a nice beer in the warm sun at the ballpark after this morning!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

T-minus 56 1/2 hours

Well its almost time for the longest consecutive distance I have ever run....a half marathon. Got our final reminders email for the race today.....and took another peek at the course. The Zooma Annapolis is going to be my biggest challenge yet....and not just the total distance....but the nasty looking incline on that bridge....that we run twice during the course. BUT I am NOT afraid, I am NOT intimidated. I have not prepared like I should or thought I would but I know my legs can carry me through that course and to the finish in under 3 hours. I know that by afternoon....I will be enjoying a sunny afternoon baseball game at Camden Yards with my 9 year old....celebrating my victory. This time I am doing something a little different though. This time I am dedicating sections of the race to a person who is inspiring or special to me in my life. I will spend that distance thinking about how they have helped me to become a better person....and why the world is a better place because they are in it. The last half (almost) will be extremely special as I run those 5.1 miles for two very special souls who are in the throws of their own battles with cancer. I did not fundraise for this race like I am doing for the Ragnar....but fighting this disease is always near my heart. If you see tears in my eyes in the finish line pictures....its not because I am in pain....its because I am inspired.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Oak Hill Howlin and Prowlin 5K

I had pretty much figured that from now on I was going to be running distances further than 5K to challenge myself. But this 5K was to raise funds for my son's school to get technology into their classrooms. As a former technology specialist in a school....and a could I not run this race? Loved it! It was a great course (and pretty cool b/c it is in the neighborhood near where I used to live when I was training for the Ragnar last fall and I ran a whole lot of that course during my training) and a great weather day! And the VERY best part of this race was that not only was my good friend Sue running this race too (she also did the 8K with me at the beach) BUT my parents and my sweet boys were there to cheer me on at the start and the finish. There is no feeling like that. Loved having my sweet boys see me enter the finish shoot and couldn't wait to high five and hug me. Color me a happy momma!

Here's the nitty gritty details of how I finished:
Total time = 32 min 32 sec
Place = 165/323 runners overall; 11/25 female runners age 35-39 (eep I
creeped up an age bracket).

Sunday, April 17, 2011

St Agnes Fitness Festival 10K

My next racing adventure came just one month after my 8K :) On Saturday April 16th I got up on a cold and rainy morning to drive more than 30 minutes to Arlington to participate in this community race. It took all the strength I had to drag myself out of bed that morning to show up to that race....start time was at 8AM which meant I had to leave my apartment by 7...on a the cold and rain. But I did it. I was amped up to get the race started and found the waiting to be frustrating. Not only was it cold and wet (did I mention that already??) but hearing other runners lament about the course at the start line was working my last nerve. I didn't need to be feeling doubt before I even started!! Finally the race kicked off (15 min late) and off we all went on a really really hilly course through some neighborhoods in Arlington. When I hit the largest hill (which was as tough going down as it was up) I had a thought that made me shutter.....I was going to have to do this hill AGAIN!!! The course design was simple....a 5 K loop that us 10K runners would do TWICE! At the end of the 5K the happy shorter distance runners trucked along to the left and the rest of us to the right. Amazing how thin the herd got at that point :) Just ahead of me was a girl I was able to identify as a marathoner (had seen her in the pack at the start line and heard her talking). I decided at that moment (3.5 miles in to the 6.2 mile race) that I was going to keep up with her. And I am proud to say I did! She finished a mere 90 seconds ahead of me. Can't say that she's a good marathoner or idea....don't even know her name. Just know that she has run and finished marathons...and I kept up with her....and that works for me :) By the time we ended the 10K...they had cleaned up the finish line inflatable (not because we are 2nd class citizens but b/c the wicked thunderstorms were rolling in) but the sweet elementary school students were waiting at the finish with bottles of water and big smiles to congratulate us. That totally made the day for me :) Dying for numbers yet?? Here's how I did that day:

Total time = 1 hour 6 min 25 sec
Place = 53/64 runners overall; 6/7 female runners age 30-34

All I know is....I didn't finish last....makes me happy!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Yuengling Shamrock Marathon Weekend 8K

On March 19th I ran an 8K in Virginia Beach during the Shamrock Marathon Weekend. They sponsor all kinds of races that weekend....the 8K being one of the first of the weekend long event for us running crazies :) You must be dying to know how I did....I sure was. That morning it was cold and rainy and I left my jacket in the car and regretted that decision almost a block away....but decided that once I started running...I would warm up and be okay without it. Turns out I was right. It was a great I would repeat again in the future. Loved how large the turn out was....and while I didn't like getting over the start line and the big pack at sooner out pretty quickly. Another fun aspect was how the race just seemed to slip by so quickly. I had previed the course map the night before and knew where we would make the turn to the boardwalk and then back out to the street and back to the boardwalk again. Since the blocks are just seemed to move along so quickly! And I especially loved the scenary along the just look out and see the ocean....ahhhh. Here's how the numbers fell out if you are a data kind of person (and I kinda am):

Total time = 54 min 26 sec
Place = 3805/7677 runners overall; 324/751 women ages 30-34

Not the pace or the overall time I was hoping for.....but progress...and I finished :) Stay tuned for more fun race results!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Just About Start Time

So we are less than 30 min from the start and it is breezy, chilly, and yes folks...raining! I guess this is where the rubber hits the road. Sigh. Here we go...running 5 miles now so I can get my jacket in the end :). LOL

XOXO - Jenn
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Friday, March 18, 2011

Twas the Night Before...

The TowneBank 8K...a part of the Yuengling Shamrock Marathon weekend. It is my first race of the season and my training for longer and more varied distances. I feel so lucky to be supported by so many wonderful friends and family. Thank you so much! I am also so excited to have my dear friend Sue along with me tomorrow. It will be her first race since she started running again. I am so proud of her and can't wait to celebrate our victory at the finish line. Her folks live just 20 min away and have been such amazing hosts. See you all tomorrow on the other side of 5 miles. I am aiming for 45 - 52 min for completion. Wish me luck :)

XOXO - Jenn
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Less Than 12 Weeks

On Sunday I realized....and panicked a bit....that I am now only 12 weeks from my very FIRST half marathon. That's 13.1 miles folks! I know I ran 16 in the Ragnar so why does this intimidate me? Well the Ragnar was broken up into 3 chunks.....and I have some 10-12 hours in between....this is all at once! But here's the good news....I trust in training. And I trust in my love of running. If I put those two together.....I will certainly not fail. And my ONLY to finish. I want to cross that finish line....see my two sweet little boys....and my mom and dad.....and know that I have accomplished something big....something that they will not forget for a long time to come. And I will have done it with sheer determination and preparation. Stay tuned for my prep work up until then....starting with this Saturday's 8K at Virginia Beach!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Next Adventures

It has been more than a month since my last posting. I would love to say I haven't had time to write because I have been so busy running....but that would not be honest :) I took WAY too many days off without running regularly. I did pick up a few runs here and there but pretty much got into life...and unpacking at my new place...and a million other things that distracted me from training. And then I had a moment of clarity. That moment came when I tried to put on a pair of pants that fit right before the Ragnar....and then didn't quite fit (snugly and not appropriate for work now). SO....I am back at the training. Not only for my health and fitness but because I am determined to keep my New Year's Resolution. Curious??

My resolution is to run 100 miles competitively this year. Now...I am a relatively new I am not looking to place....looking to meet my own time goals and finish every race.  And I am trying some new things within the context of that.  I am going to run a few half marathons and compete in a triathlon (sprint distance).  I firmly believe that I should not rest on my laurels and if I want my life to be adventurous and fun....I have to make that happen myself!  I am going to not only be healthy and happy but perhaps even see the world and have a variety of experiences through the venues where I will compete.

I have posted a list of my upcoming races (those that I am not only registered for but am giving serious consideration to) at the bottom of the blog.  Scroll on down and check it out :)  And please feel free to comment on any blog entry you like.  Your thoughts and welcomed, appreciated, and will be acknowledged and responded to.  You can also follow me on Twitter (I am going to be better about my tweets).  Look for me as jspon0707.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Key West Time Warp

Okay so my last update came on Sunday after I realized I never sent it on Saturday when Van 1 completed their portion of the Ragnar. Here comes the final update on the race...sorry it is 5 days late...once I got in to Key West and done at the finish line...the laid back easy pace of Key West sucked me in to what one of the locals told me was called the "Key West Time Warp". Apparently that is an effect where you are so relaxed you literally lose all track of the day of the week. Fantastic!!! So here's the final wrap up of the race:

Saturday around 2:30pm I finished up the final leg for Van 1 and after some quick medical attention (which really just meant a bag of ice for my knee) we hopped in the van and headed to Key West to return the rental, check in to our hotels, and grab a shower and a bite to eat before Van 2 made it to the finish line. We got the call that Kelly (the anchor runner for Van 2) had hit the course and we headed to the Southernmost Hotel where the finish line was constructed. As Kelly raced down the street....the 11 remaining members joined with her to run through the finish line....some 35 hours and 10 minutes after Jay started it all! Here's a photo of Team MDAA at the finish line....those of us who are all showered and looking pretty were in Van 1 :) Sorry Van 2!

Ragnar has posted the final results on their can go there and look if you like....but here's the quick and dirty on Team MDAA:

Total Distance Run: 190 miles (rounded b/c it was closer to 192)
Total Time Start to Finish: 35 hours and 10 minutes
Place in the Race: 277 out of 294 teams

Thanks so much for your support through this adventure!!! I will continue this blog for some time...not only to share the recap of this adventure (we are busy combing through pics and video so Jeff can put us together a great final video) but to share the details of my next adventure as well. That's right folks....I have 2 other big firsts scheduled for this year. I will unveil the next on on February 4th (4 months from the date it will occur).....keep checking back in the meantime to hear post-race stories and see pics and video!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Van 1 Done the Ragnar

I finished up our final run of the third leg of the Ragnar Keys race for Van 1 at 230 pm. It was not meant to be as dramatic as it ended up being :). My goal was to finish the 4.1 miles in 45 min and then my team could head the rest of the way south for Key West. I started out pretty good but around mile 1.4 I felt my knee pop and within a tenth of a mile I could feel pain radiating from my kneecap to my ankle. I was, however, determined to finish the leg. My teammates in the support van stopped many times to check on me. I just kept going though...thinking about all the people who believe in me and have donated to the team. I kept going (with bouts of walking) and finished in 50:59 min. Only 6 min over my goal! And then it was time for Van 2 to take over and bring us home to the finish line. Next update will be from Key West after the finish!

XOXO - Jenn
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Saturday, January 8, 2011

And then there were 2

Mike and Robin rocked out their last legs! Its up to Lisa and I to bring it home for Van 1. After that its all Van 2's girlpower to finish strong for Team MDAA. I am hoping to finish my last 4.1 miles in 45 min or less. Here's hoping because I am definitely sore and sliced my toe open slightly on last night's run. It will all be worth it though at the finish line! Here goes nothing!

XOXO - Jenn
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Van 1 - 4 Runners Remain

Can't believe I haven't updated since Van 1 got back on the job @ 845 AM. We had a brief "sleep" in a HS gym and then got up and at it again. Jay started us off with the worst of it...9.6 miles including the entire 7 mile bridge! But he killed it and Jeff cruised through his 5.4 miles looking strong. Mike is on his way and soon we will be into the last 12 miles! I will check in with you again when Robin is done. Thanks for your continued interest and support!

XOXO - Jenn
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Friday, January 7, 2011

Van 1 Second Leg Done

so our long distances are out of the way! Lisa and I finished our collective 15 miles somewhere around 3 hours. I did my 7.8 miles in 1 hour 33 min...just 3 min over my goal. And with the dark and how stiff I felt...I'd say that's pretty good. We are bedding down for a few hours at a HS gym here in the keys. Van 2 is off and running (literally). We wish them well and look forward to our remaining leg of the race. The veterans tell me its the hardest....when it gets tough..I will think of supporters and power through!

XOXO - Jenn
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

On deck again

Mike finished up in the Everglades and Robin got us into the keys from the mainland. That's another 20 miles for a total of 33.8 so far for Van 2's second leg. It's up to Lisa and I to bring home the last 15 miles! I am hoping to be done before 2 AM. I took a little snooze during Robin's run and am feeling pretty awake...although a little bit stiff. I should loosen up a little into my run...either that or it will be a long 7.8 miles :). I should hit the course in about an hour and a half! See u all tomorrow! After midnight that is ;)

Oh and PS - I got another donation while Robin was running. I am now over $1700! Wow!!! Thanks!

XOXO - Jenn
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Van 1 1/3 done 2nd Leg

Way to go Jay and Jeff who finished 14 miles in 2 1/2 hours! Mike is off running in the dark....either to the next exchange or from the gators! LOL. Good luck to him! We'll pick him back up after 8.2 miles.

XOXO - Jenn
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Van 2 First Leg Done

So after lunch and a brief "nap"....Van 1 met Kelly (runner 12) at the exchange and Jay was back on the job. He has a long 9.3 miles ahead of him as we approach sunset. The team is still feeling good...props to Kelly who ran the longest in leg 1 (8.8 miles) and looked fantastic at the finish. We are in to the longer distances now and with the sun going down we also have cooler temps. Two of our runners even have to run through the Everglades! Watch out for those gators Jeff and Mike!! So far the team has finished 51.7 miles in 9 hours. Only 130 miles to go!! Let's go Team MDAA!!

XOXO - Jenn
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

WHILE I was running

I have sort of become the "fundraiser girl" since I raised over $1600 before we left for Florida. Its kind of a thing :). So we are sitting at lunch on our "break" between legs and Jay informs me that I received another donation WHILE I was running my first leg! Love it! Thanks to all my supporters!

XOXO - Jenn
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Van 1 First Leg Done

I finished the last of the first set for Van 1 about 20 min ago. My distance was 4.2 miles in 43 minutes. Our half of the van finished our total 25.7 miles in 4 hours and 30 minutes. Everybody is feeling good after our first sections and we are looking forward to lunch now before its our turn again :). Thanks again for your continued support!

XOXO - Jenn
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

On deck!!!

We have now finished with runners 3 and 4 and runner 5 (Lisa) is off on her first leg. Robin (#4) is SO fast! She finished her 4+ leg so quickly and was the first of us to come into the exchange looking like she had really been running! Go Robin!! I follow Lisa so I am probably about half an hour from the exchange! I am nervous and excited! Now if I could just get my hands to warm up! I thought this was Florida?! LOL. At least the sun is now up and it is getting warmer :). I will catch up with you after our last two runners (which means after I run).

XOXO - Jenn
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Van 1 - 2 runners down

So we are 2 runners deep....Mike (our 3rd runner is somewhere on his. 4.8 mile stretch. I am amazed @ our runner 2 (Jeff) who sent a text to our team captain WHILE he was running! Nice! Team pace so far is 9:45...let's go Team MDAA!

XOXO - Jenn
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Up and At Em

I landed safely in Miami last night and met up with my teammates from Van 1 for pasta dinner then back to the hotel for some good sleep. Of course that sleep did not last long...we are already dressed and headed for the start line. Our first runner, Jay, will take to the course in just more than an hour. Here we go!

XOXO, Jenn
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Details

Alright folks its almost time to lace up our running shoes and let the rubber hit the road! Its Ragnar Time!!

Our team will leave Miami Friday morning at 7AM....and run all through the day and night until we reach the finish line in Key West....sometime on Saturday. Here's a look at the course I am runner position number can click on each of the links there to show you the specifics of my legs of the race.

I will be sending updates to the blog through email from the course but the team is also doing some updating. You can track our progress and fun at any of these sites:

Here at Road to the Relay
The MDAA Photostream at Flickr
The MDAA Twitter page
My Facebook page if we are "friends" on FB
The Maryland Athletic Association's Facebook page - don't forget to "Like" it

Looking forward to updating all of you and telling you about the challenges, the victories, and the fun! Thanks for your continued interest and support!

42 Hours To Go

In just less than 2 days I will be joining my teammates at the starting line as our first runner (Jay) starts us off on our 191.1 mile adventure. This entry is to thank those of you who have supported me emotionally and financially through this journey. I am SO grateful to have people in my life who believe in me and who have shown that in word and deed. I am happy to say that at last reporting from our team captain, I had raised $1654.92!!! Thank you so much! I have not only met but exceeded all 3 of my fundraising goals and still had days to go before the race! I will definitely be adding those extra extensions to my hair (sorry pics are still to come) to show all of you how much I appreciate it! Words cannot describe my feelings...I plan to make all of you proud!

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Things I Do for a Cause

Anyone who knows me....knows that I don't do anything fact....I usually go overboard with enthusiasm and excitement! It is just a part of who I am....and I get so much joy out of it :) This relay is no exception! Some might argue just the signing up and running of 16 miles is enough to meet that definition but as I am now only 4 days from the race....I am preparing mentally by doing some fun stuff! Yesterday I had my sister Kim place 10 red hair extensions in my hair. Why? Why? Why? You might be asking?

Why extensions? Well they are an easy way to draw attention to myself. Yes I want to draw attention to myself in the days leading up to the race....already this morning no fewer than 3 people have noticed and asked....and this could lead to people donating more to our cause :)

Why red? In looking at the American Cancer Society's website...their logo is 2 main colors - red and blue. Additionally they sell awareness wrist bands (these were sort of popularized by Lance Armstrong and his "LiveStrong" bracelet several years ago) in assorted colors and the red one they sell is supposed to stand for courage, hope, and strength. So red seemed like the color to choose :) It also stands out...going back to the attention thing :)

Why 10? That's an easy one. I had one put in for every $100 I raised for the race. And already this morning I get to put in #11! I still have 9 more in reserve in case I need them :) Will definitely post pictures of the hair later today!

Later this week I will post all the places where you can follow my team from the road and get a "look into the vans". Thanks again for your support and interest!