Saturday, February 3, 2018

Declare It Day

Today is Declare It Day. A virtual event initiated and sponsored by an organization called Fellow Flowers. This is an organization with a large virtual community dedicated to supporting and inspiring active women worldwide. This is the first year I decided to participate in their annual "Declare It Day" event. It really just requires you to think about what goals you want to set for the coming year, after the glow of New Year's Resolutions have worn off. :) The goal that I am declaring today is one that I set for myself months ago coming off of the Richmond Half Marathon. And I plan to use the Hanson's method to get there. I have 2 half marathons on the schedule for this year and I will run one of them in under 2 hours. Realistically I already know that it will likely be the 2nd of the two as the Harper's Ferry race is first and is WICKEDLY hilly. But I am going to complete the training and see where it takes me. All I can do is do the work, get comfortable being uncomfortable, and see what happens. Hand in hand with this big scary goal are some smaller sub goals that will help me along. I am planning to continue regular weight training as well as yoga. Additionally I want to try to get a handle on my nutrition. I make a go of it from time to time but I really need to find a way for my diet to change as a matter of habit and life changing commitment (which now makes this sound like a super big goal). Lastly, I plan to keep writing about the journey here. I truly regret not documenting the journey to Richmond so I can look back on it in words rather than Garmin data and FB pics...I will not make that mistake again. Thanks for being along for my journey.

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