Friday, March 9, 2018

Inspiration on the 9s - My BRF Kristen

Today is the first of what I hope will be a monthly installment where I reflect on someone that inspires me. Even if no one ever reads these, the goal is to help me focus on the people in life that I draw inspiration from, whether they are someone I just look up to from afar or someone I interact with regularly. So without further ado, here's my first Inspirational Spotlight.

How did I become acquainted with this person:
I met Kristen in real life on August 8, 2015. It may seem random that I remember the exact date. To be fair, I had to look it up. :) I was able to find it because I met Kristen at the first group run of a Couch to 5K program that I was leading for our women's running group. It didn't take long for us to become fast friends! Did you ever have one of those people that you just connect with right away? Well that's my Kristen. We just clicked from the very beginning. And the more we talked and hung out, the more we realized how much we have in common and how similar we are. I can talk to her about anything at anytime of day. But I shall move on because I could gush about our friendship for days. :)

Tell Us More About This Person:
Kristen is a relatively new runner (meaning she has been at it for less than 5 years) but her passion for embracing the sport is amazing. She went from training for 5Ks to running her first half marathon in just a few months. I was so very grateful to be a part of that experience. And even more grateful when she allowed me to be her pacer for her first half marathon. Sidebar here for a sec. I have never had another experience quite so emotional and amazing as helping a first time half marathoner get to the finish as I did that day in March 2016!

What Makes this Person Inspirational to Me:
Where do I even begin??? Kristen has a chronic disease that she will deal with for the rest of her life. I do not want to go into details as that is her story and not mine. She is also a cancer survivor. You would never know either of these things unless you have spent a considerable amount of time with her. And even then, you would have to be paying attention. I love love love this about her. There are so many people in this world that would curl up into a ball and let the things that life has thrown their way define them. Not Kristen. She defines who she is by the way that she takes on life. She would probably never see herself this way. :) I am also inspired by how smart she is when it comes to her approach to her running journey. She LISTENS to her body in a way that most of us do not do. She rests when she should and sees a doctor when things aren't working the way they are supposed to. Chatting with her about how she chooses to do these things has made me a smarter runner. And has probably saved me from injuring myself. :) And finally, I am inspired by how much love and care Kristen puts into every relationship she has. From her husband and step children to other runners that she may only see once or twice a month. If you cross paths with Kristen and are wise enough to share something about yourself, she will not only remember it, but she will take the time to nurture you in your own journey, running or otherwise. Having become friends with Kristen has helped me to be a better human. And there is nothing more inspirational than that!

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