Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Next Adventures

It has been more than a month since my last posting. I would love to say I haven't had time to write because I have been so busy running....but that would not be honest :) I took WAY too many days off without running regularly. I did pick up a few runs here and there but pretty much got into life...and unpacking at my new place...and a million other things that distracted me from training. And then I had a moment of clarity. That moment came when I tried to put on a pair of pants that fit right before the Ragnar....and then didn't quite fit (snugly and not appropriate for work now). SO....I am back at the training. Not only for my health and fitness but because I am determined to keep my New Year's Resolution. Curious??

My resolution is to run 100 miles competitively this year. Now...I am a relatively new I am not looking to place....looking to meet my own time goals and finish every race.  And I am trying some new things within the context of that.  I am going to run a few half marathons and compete in a triathlon (sprint distance).  I firmly believe that I should not rest on my laurels and if I want my life to be adventurous and fun....I have to make that happen myself!  I am going to not only be healthy and happy but perhaps even see the world and have a variety of experiences through the venues where I will compete.

I have posted a list of my upcoming races (those that I am not only registered for but am giving serious consideration to) at the bottom of the blog.  Scroll on down and check it out :)  And please feel free to comment on any blog entry you like.  Your thoughts and welcomed, appreciated, and will be acknowledged and responded to.  You can also follow me on Twitter (I am going to be better about my tweets).  Look for me as jspon0707.