Saturday, May 5, 2012

My "baby's" first 5K

Today was SO incredibly special for me. My 10 year old son ran his first 5K. We ran side by side for 3.1 miles. He was so excited to get to run with me. Months ago he had told me that he wanted to run with me. And when his school's annual 5K date was announced, I thought it was the perfect opportunity.
His PE teacher even organized a running club that met once a week for 8 weeks in order to prepare for the race. So I signed him up for the club and the race...and this morning we laced up our shoes and ran together! He had really listened to his teacher's during club and to the advise I had given him and as we started out he keep a good pace without trying to sprint right away. As a classmate of his sprinted past us at about .6 of a mile in, he yelled to her, "You have to save your energy for the end of the race." Another runner-mom looked over at me and knowingly smiled. My heart was just bursting! The first mile went by quickly and my little man did remarkably well. Just after that he wanted a "break". So I talked him into another half mile where we took a walk break at the water station. As we neared the final mile, I had to do a lot of talking to keep him in the running zone and not the walking zone. But as long as I was willing to was he. :) The last tenth of a mile we ran strong...talking about how his little brother was going to be so excited to see us cross the finish line!! His pace got stronger and quicket and he literally had a spring in his step! Near the finish line...I pulled up just a bit and let him finish ahead of me. :) He was so very proud to have completed the race. And I don't think I could have been any more proud of him!!!

Later that night we went to dinner out to celebrate the accomplishment of the day. And after ordering I presented him with a medal I had ordered online. The race didn't provide medals at the finish (as most 5Ks don't) but I wanted him to have a momento of the race and his accomplishment. He showed it to anyone and everyone who would listen and look. There are many days that I am proud as a runner but today I got to be a proud runner and an even prouder mom. I am so grateful to have shared this experience and this love of mine with my son. I look forward to more running with him in the years to come and hope that this is the beginning of a lifelong passion and healthy habit for him!

XOXO - Jenn

Friday, May 4, 2012

Squeeze Play

I am really trying to be committed to my training plan. Really I am. But my schedule right now is SO busy with all things non-running related...and let's face it....I live in one of the craziest traffic locations on the planet! So I spend a LOT of time in my car driving to and from....well....everywhere! an effort to try to be more committed to my running....I am trying to squeeze in a run every chance I can get. For example. This week my son had his first orchestra concert. It was on a night when I would normally run at the gym (on a treadmill-ack) after I picked up my boys. But that was out of the question. So...I took my running shoes to work....and got in a 3 mile run after I finished up working but before I had to pick up my younger son to go attend the concert. That only worked out because I got to go pick him up later since the older one was already at school for the concert and I didn't have to pick him up too. But boy was it brutal. My office is in a neighborhood that is full of crazy hills! But I did it...and that is the point. Then again today I had a slim margin of time between work and picking up my boys....and I squeezed in another 2.5 miles. And I would have squeezed in more but a nasty thunderstorm rolled in and I had to retreat to be safe. So that's where I am now....getting the miles in where I can. Soon it will be summer and a more leasurely pace will be upon me. Boy I can't wait!

XOXO - Jenn